Monday, January 22, 2007

Phone Game, Part I

I realized yesterday as we finished up another successful workshop, that no where has there ever been a published piece on the current complete Charisma Arts phone game method. So here is to remedy this. If you are having flaking problem, this WILL reduce your flakes.

Getting the Number

Remember never to ask, make a statement. “Hey, I’ve had a really nice time talking with you, here’s my phone. Put your number in.”

Then the most important part is to call her immediately and get her to put your name in her phone. “Here now I’ll call you so you have my number, my name is spelled D-A-N.”

Texting That Night

So here is another tip. Text her that you enjoyed talking with her about ______, and you will call her at a specific time and date a day or two from then; text this after you get home or the next morning. Almost without fail you will get a text back from her before that time. Call her immediately, she will probably answer right there. If not continue on to phone game.

Four Calls to Flake

First call early evening, “Hey Susan, it’s Dan. I really enjoyed meeting you on Friday and talking about [whatever you talked about with her], I’ll try you back at 9:30pm [or any time later that night].

Second call (not at 9:30 to the second, give or take 5 min), “Hey Susan, it’s Dan. I guess I missed you tonight; I’ll try you later in the week. Talk to you then.”

Third call about two days later, “Hey Susan, it’s Dan. Just wanted to give a quick call and see what you are up to. I’ll try you back tonight at 9:00. Catch you then.”

Fourth and final call, “Hey Susan, it’s Dan. Well it looks like I keep missing you. If you ever want to hang out some time give me a call [with a tone of finality], my number is 555-555-55555. Maybe I’ll see you around.”

So there it is, the first part of phone game. Next installment is what to do when she answers.


Anonymous said...

Hi, Dan, really enjoy your blog.

I really like the idea of texting that night. I've started to do this with some success, but more along the lines of light C+F teasing. I like the earnestness of the messages you send, but I'm wondering if I can pull it off as I'm a very recently recovering AFC.

Is there a time when you'd go C+F/teasing, or do you just trust that you're alpha enough to make the earnestness okay?

SocialHitchHiker said...

I don't do too much teasing on text because it can come off wrong very easily. I tease and am confident, but not really cocky. That doesn't work for me, genuiness works great though.

If you made a nice connection with her she wants to hear from you.

Keep reading the blog. You'll see i'm not about C+F or worrying about how alpha I'm coming off. I'm just me.

Anonymous said...

Why call so much? Four times seems excessive to me. Twice in a day seems too much. Why not call once? Or twice at the maximum? I'm of the opinion that if I do a good job before getting the number... that she should want to return my first call. This is something I'm still working on myself.

Thanks Dan!

SocialHitchHiker said...

The key here is you DON"T ask her to call you back. That puts the ball in her court and women are really bad about returning phone calls, even if they do like you. You are taking the lead here.

It doesn't come off needy because she knows what to expect and no one is left wating for the other person.

Pickup Podcast said...

Don't worry about the amount of times that you call. Four may sound like a lot but it's not excessive. Honestly, if she's not interested after all, then you've lost nothing by calling 4 times. If she IS interested, she'll be GLAD to called her 4 times. Either way, you come out on top.

Besides, you NEVER know which women are actually going to call you back. There've been plenty of times, especially when I was new to the game, when I thought I was #closing just to eject because I thought SHE wasn't interested, and have ended up going on a day2 with a girl who really persued me over the phone. On the other hand, there've been times when I had a seemingly solid connection going with a woman, and for some reason or another, things just didn't work out when the time came to take things further. It's somewhat of a gamble, so you should maximize your odds.

The last thing I'd add here is not to get numbers but to get DATES. In other words, don't close with "We should hang out some time," but rather make plans with her and make getting her number a logistical hurdle, NOT a goal or an end unto itself.

Love the blog Dan. Keep it up.


Anonymous said...

That makes total sense. I'm so glad you are posting on this.

Anonymous said...

Thank Dan. I'll try it in the future. In the past I have decent success with no texting. Waiting until later in the week for the first call. Maybe two to five days. Leave a message if she doesn't pick up. The msg is along the same lines you suggest. Perhaps funny if I'm feeling it. Finally, calling back once more, exactly week later if she hasn't returned my first call. I like calling twice. But trying four times could be fun.

Anonymous said...

When's part 2 ;)