Thursday, January 11, 2007

Learn True Commitment

Ok this blog is your experience. It is your chance to see some of the most powerful flirting techniques ever discovered. Go out and practice this one otherwise it will seem too simple and easy.

1. Go out and manhug 3 strange men. Walk up to them as if you know them and man hug them. When they say they don’t know you, you can then realize it and just introduce yourself and have a quick conversation. I am serious about this, it seems stupid but every client I have do this says it was really remarkable how much commitment it took. That is the amount of commitment you should be applying to every interaction

2. Your new approach to women in a bar. I want you to spend some time looking around the bar with a smile on your face. When you catch the eye of a woman don’t break eye contact no matter what. Smile bigger and make the commitment to walk over directly while trying to keep eye contact the whole way. The commitment starts at eye contact and a smile, not two feet away. Commit to talking to her from across the bar. Every step is your approach with a warm vibe. Conclude the opening with “Hi I’m ______”. That is the end of opening, not the beginning. It all starts with eye contact and a smile.

That is it. Go try it and tell me about how different things went.


Anonymous said...

The RSD instructors claim it is one thing for a instructor to coach and give advise, and the other to actually have a instructor who can actually DEMONSTRATE. Which one are you, because your blog just seems like you just try to give advise, yet never tell real stories?

Anonymous said...

"The RSD instructors claim it is one thing for a instructor to coach and give advise, and the other to actually have a instructor who can actually DEMONSTRATE."

Given some reviews RSD gets, that's pretty ironic. Some instructors there refuse to demonstrate at all. They just shove you into sets.

You're anonymous, and I'm anonymous, so we could both be making shit up, but I've seen SHH in set and he's very good. You can ask for reviews at

Anonymous said...

Hey anonymous, I learn a lot from these blogs. I took a bootcamp with Dan and another CA instructor and I can say first hand he can practice what he preaches.

Keep up the great blogs Dan.

This is Eric from the Seattle workshop back in June.

El Profesor Romantico said...

Dan doesn't need me to defend him, but I will. Been in set with him on many occasions. He's got skills. No need for hatin'.

Anonymous said...

LOL, hugging people, I saw a Borat try that in NY, people ran blocks fleeing! Dan must get a better reception, everyone whose met him loves him.

Dan, thanks for the thing on the I-perspective, I was maybe a little rude, it’s to your credit that you respond.

I’m now completely sold on I-perspective. I have a flatmate, I guess the nearest thing I’ve had to a female friend. At first it was 90-10, she provided 90 and I nodded occasionally. It’s settled down to 70-30 maybe, I was enjoying talking with her the other day, and moved the conversation to something I have no experience with and I began to lose full attention, scraping at hard drips of porridge glued to the kitchen table with my finger nail, I realised it doesn’t just bore her, it bores me.

And I think I’ve found a way of nullifying in I-perspective, without spinning my experience: find something related to the subject, which I can say something non-negative on, and talk about that some, i.e. a positive tangent, so that I’ve moved past the negativity before I hand back to her.

I still have the problem of having too little to say from an I-perspective, but I suppose part of this problem is I don’t always find ways of taking enough interest in her, I can talk in ‘I’ for a while but its entertainment unless you find questions to throw it back on her. I find it really hard to get my brain to go from contributing my feelings and experience to shifting to ask some relevant question; so when no relate is forthcoming from her, what is a system for quick, brainless continuation questions?

I wish it could always be 90-10, my way, then I have none of these problems. She is quite wonderful BTW. And I’m so envious, she talks in ‘I’ most of the time, so well, giving her reactions to life in adorable little act outs. I’m quite happy for you to train them to all be like that.

So now I have a new question.

From the newsletters:
“Escalation has two components:
1. A reason you are choosing to escalate. This comes from
something that she has done or said to you. She must feel as if
she has done something to deserve your increased interest. “

SHH, what are common winning things you finish ‘I like you because..’ with? I have conversations with women, sometimes they strike and I get some sharing of their lives (stories), but I never find a reason to ‘like her’. It just doesn’t occur to me. Really I’m happy if she’s contributive, but it will seem desperate if I say that – “I like you because your talking to me”. LOL. I need to find things to like. I know this sounds dense but what are some likable things which women say and do?

Love, (for today)
Goose xxx.