Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Text flirting

I have to admit it; I am a texting addict. Recently I forgot to take my phone out of my pocket and I put it in the washing machine. With a magic trick using 95% alcohol I revived my phone, however the “3” button containing the letters “d,e & f” , is somewhat inoperable. I am going through text withdrawal like a true addict. One year left in my contract and a five-hour drive to activate a new phone has made me have to cope. The thing I miss most though is text flirting.

Due to being on the road a lot over the last year I have to admit many times I would meet a wonderful woman and not be able to see her in person for sometimes months. I am a phone guy, with my all time record being nine hours on the phone with a girl. Ok that is fairly pathetic, I admit; however if I didn’t like talking I obviously wouldn’t be doing what I do. When I am on the phone, my conversation usually lasts a fair bit. I often don’t have time to talk on the phone and that is where texting comes in.

Rule #1 Don’t use sarcasm, and if you tease be sure you pull them back in or let them know you are teasing.

I start my texting off with a fun playful vibe and use light innuendo.

Me: How was your night? Mine was fun, though I am just glad I didn’t end up naked in jail.

Her: Good, although your night sounds more fun!

Me: Sure, figures the thought of me naked behind bars is your idea of fun.

Her: Hmm now that does sound fun.

Me: Well, ok, but I insist we make copies of the key. You would probably abuse that situation way too much!

Her: That’s no fun. What, you don’t trust me?

Me: Hell no, not when it comes to my nakedness. I’m just not the kind of guy that likes to be taken advantage of. Ok, actually I really am.

Rule #2 It is ok to be very sexual over text, as long as you don’t make her to commit to it in real life or make her think that is all you want.

Me: You were pretty hot last night. Those sexy legs kept distracting me from just how interesting you really are. What are you up to right now?

Her: I am at work

Me: Really and are your co-workers able to appreciate just how sexy your legs are?

Her: Well actually I am wearing a skirt. My legs are crossed and I am trying to not get too turned on by all this flirting.

Me: Ya that would be awful if I told you what I would want to do to you in that skirt on your desk.

Her: You might just get these sexy legs of mine wrapped around you. OMG did I just say that?

Me: And all I can think about is looking down at you while your legs are on my shoulders while I am having sex with you on your desk.

Her: OMG I am so turned on right now, not fair!! I’m at work!

The anonymity of texting is a girl’s best friend. They will often be far more sexual in text than in real life. Women can get downright dirty in text. The key is finding that moment when she is making an innuendo and being a bit more forward. That is your cue to take the ball and run with it.

Rule #3 Make major escalations in text flirting right after she flirts back.

I look at text flirting like fishing a bit. I cast the bait by saying slightly flirtatious statements and wait for her to bite. When she does, then I take it to the next level. If she doesn’t bite, the statements are kept innocent. Each time she takes my bait I notch it up a level.

Rule #4 Never apologize if she brings up how sexual you are.

If she comments about you being sexual (but does not ask you to stop), admit that is the way you are and don’t be apologetic. What will get you in trouble is if you are being sexual and asking her to agree to be sexual with you. For example:

“I totally want to touch you in inappropriate places, where would you like me to touch you?”

If you are mis-calibrated with this statement it will feel like you are coming on too strong. Instead try something like this:

“I totally want to touch you in inappropriate places, but I can’t tell you that; especially since that is really hard to do over text. So how is work going today?

Both take some calibration to use correctly but the latter asks for no commitment to being sexual or returning that. The thing that makes you come off creepy, and way too overtly sexual, is showing neediness and being approval seeking when flirting.

To learn more about texting and how not to come off inappropriate, needy, or creepy, check out the companion podcast Texting Women also as a special bonus, Kory’s Patented technique for making a conversation sexual.

1 comment:

ITotem said...

Wow, Dan. Your posts are always geniuses :)

I got to say though: 9 hours on the phone? Can your cell phone even stay charged that long?

The longest conversation I've ever had were 3 hours... and that wasn't very fun. Now I keep it to a max of 1-1.5 hours.