Thursday, February 15, 2007

Pickup Podcast - Interviews Me

For those of you who want to hear me ramble on a bit more check out Pickup Podcast. They just posted a forty plus minute interview with me ranging from my beginnings to some great tips about Vacuum and Disqualification.

You can also download the podcast directly by either right clicking on this link and save as, or if you have a mac it will play automatically. Episode 7 Interview w/ Social Hitchhiker


Pickup Podcast said...


Thanks again for the interview. It was really spectacular and I know our listeners are going to get a lot out of it. We've already received tons of positive feedback so far. We might just have to bring you back at some point in the near future.

Take care,

-AJ & Jordon

Anonymous said...

Awesome podcast fellas. I was listening at the gym and made a complete fool out of myself laughing along with some of your stories. It wasn't quite up to par with the time I tried listening to 'This Dane Cook guy' while I was running, but then I didn't get any useful fashoin tips from Dane.

Keep up the great work, I for one really enjoy your insights. And on a side not, I also think keeping the whole blog online is awesome. Sure the old stuff doesn't reflect who you are now, but smart guys can use the post dates to figure out where you stand, and realize that some of that stuff I obsolete.

Anonymous said...

This is awesome!!! lots of golden nuggets!!

I have a suggestion, Dan. Can we hear a podcast with you, talking to a woman? I would love to hear insights from a woman's perspective.

Thanks again. Keep it up!

- Revmark

Pickup Podcast said...

Rev et al,

(sorry Dan, gotta bump the cast a bit) -we actually have quite a few interviews with women lined up where we'll be discussing dating, follies, and the female mentality with respect to this whole pickup spiel. Also, coming [relatively] soon we'll be podcasting segments of live 'hidden mic' pickups, and we might even do some 'hidden cam' stuff and YouTube it at some point.


Anonymous said...

Hi Dan,

Great podcast!!! I have a problem i've been puzzling with for like the past month. With SOI'ing, you show you want to go to a romantic context with her, that you don't want to be just friends. This is something you should show by making the kino more heavy etc. Now, my question is, how do you combine this with not having an agenda? This seems like a contridiction... showing you want to go to a romantic context with her, but still not having an agenda. What's the difference between these two?

Do rock on man, you're a PUG! (pick up god, i read that somewhere :p)


SocialHitchHiker said...

By being in the moment. I don't go in thinking i need to show her my sexual interest. I wait till she earns it by telling me something attractive about her personaility. When that happens I then SOI. I don't have an agenda from the beginning but as the interaction progresses, i decide what i want out of the interaction and i lead it there.